Author: Monica Lee
I was recently watching Tucker Carlson while he was covering Kamaul Bell’s (host at CNN) speech at Berkeley last weekend, where Kamaul said in a speech that he praised antifa, blm, black bloc, black people, people of color, unitarian universalists, lgbt’s, a long list of other groups (none of them White, unless they were in favor of anti-Whiteness), and he then grouped in Pagans. At that section of the speech, I had to ask myself “At what point did Pagans become a weapon of the left? “, and although it can be traced back as far a Gardner, and the BTW movement, I had to take a sharper optic at Oberon and Morning Glory Zell, who coined the phrase “polyamory”, and all that polyamory stood for.
I was trained Gardnerian, and was (for lack of a better word) forced into a vaster open mind. Even though I grew up in San Francisco, and thought my brain would fall out if were to open any further, there were both the lack of doctrines, and yet an unsaid doctrine that “if your mind was not more open, you would be rejected” from neo-paganism, and Wicca. No problem, I thought. I was a bit traditional albeit, my strong calling to the Craft was unrelenting. I was staunchly monogamous, was not too fond of modern day feminism, (but, still wanting equal pay and equal rights without being a femi-nazi) believed in tradition marriage, child rearing, and the feminine arts and virtues were deeply ingrained in my being.
Ok, so a conservative yet open minded Wiccan was born. I took the challenge, and did it. I joined COG, and went through their rigmarole (which did not vibe with me. I felt I was in psychofuckingtherapy), and further expanded my cognition, I went to the Zell’s famous Halloween parties, and found my jaw hitting the floor, more than any other expression, and well, let’s just say, it was not the lifestyle for me. I had a couple that wanted me to become the “3rd” in their relationship from another BTW coven, and while initially, I guess I could call it interesting, it only lasted a minute.
And although, BTW’s were to perform all rituals skyclad, and I had a rockin’ hot body, I was not a big fan of sharing it with anyone that I was not in a monogamous relationship with. *sigh* So, really, in the end, I just felt that I did not fit in. I was a Witch, deep down in my heart and soul but, there was not a place for a conservative witch. Nowhere that I could espouse my shock and awe at the the Zell’s “Addam’s Family Reunions, no one I could talk to about my discomfort at the lack of conservatism, and modesty, and I just felt a bit alone. So, I went alone, on with my Wiccan journey. It was several years later that I discovered that I really was not alone at all. I was a right leaning libertarian politically, and I happily found a scant few in a similar category.
But, that leads me to today, and the speech by Kamaul Bell, and the question of; “Just how in the hell did pagans go so wrong that they have been lumped in with antifa, and the rest of the extreme leftist commies?” smh
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